Ofsted praises strong relationships, inclusivity and high expectations at Kings Ash Academy

Kings Ash Academy has received glowing feedback in its latest Ofsted inspection, with the report complementing the academy for maintaining high standards since its last visit.

This was an ungraded inspection, which evaluates whether a school has maintained its standards, and while no final grade is awarded, the previous inspection saw the school achieve a ‘Good’ rating.

Ofsted praised the academy’s commitment to children, stating: “This is a school for all. It has a ‘no excuses’ culture. The school’s high expectations permeate its work.”

The report highlighted the vital role of strong relationships in the academy’s ongoing success. Staff work in close partnership with parents and carers, ensuring that pupils receive the support they need to thrive.

The inspectors acknowledged the academy’s thorough overhaul of its curriculum, ensuring a clear and structured progression in the knowledge pupils acquire. The report noted: “The school continues to improve its curriculum. For example, pupils now use their reasoning and problem-solving skills well in mathematics.”

Ofsted further highlights the academy's commitment to reading, with the report noting that “Reading is a high priority. Staff implement the reading curriculum well. They identify pupils’ reading gaps swiftly and help pupils to catch up through targeted support. The impact of this work is strong. In 2024, reading outcomes for the high standard in the key stage 2 national curriculum tests were significantly above the national average.”