Job evaluation is an analytical method that is used to measure the ‘size,’ nature, and level of a job based on a series of factor levels such as knowledge and skills, as well as physical effort and working conditions.
It is important to emphasise that the job evaluation system scores the component parts of a job not the person doing the job. It is not a reflection of the strengths or areas for development of a person doing the job.
The agreed system (NJC) assesses 13 factors in total and the outcome gives an overall ranking within an organisation.
As a Trust, we are working towards increasing employee satisfaction and retention levels with a fair job evaluation scheme, in turn motivating and engaging our support staff. This process will provide rational for grades and career structures in order to enable the attraction and recruitment of the best people and the talent management of our support staff.
The project will commence in November with an implementation date of September 2021.
Yes. Education support and central staff roles are all included in the Job evaluation process
Regular updates will be communicated to staff via the Job Evaluation Webpage that is only accessible to TSAT employees. There will also be all-staff e-mails, staff briefing documents and staff briefing sessions as appropriate.
No. Job evaluation schemes are not the same as performance assessments. They assess the skills and responsibilities required of a particular post, rather than the individual performing it.
The aim is to evaluate the job, not the jobholder, and to provide a way of assessing the demands of a job that is as objective as possible. Jobs will be evaluated as they are now rather than how the job was previously done or might be done in the future.
Key members of staff have received extensive training on ow to carry out the NJC Job evaluation scheme.
The demands of jobs are evaluated against 13 factors which capture the full range of demands
Members of staff for each job family will be selected according to the following criteria:
The Executive Business Managers have all been trained externally on job evaluation and will be running the focus groups in each school with the selected employees.
Yes, the outcome of each role will be shared. The evaluation team will generally certify the outcome of an evaluation and this outcome will be issued a few weeks after the evaluation takes place.
Following the completion of the job evaluation project the Trust will look to consult with all support staff on moving to a TSAT contract if they are not already. The key differences will be that the annual cost of living increases will move to September each year along with performance related pay.
At this stage, we are unable to determine whether pay will change. The job evaluation project is about measuring the demand of a job or role in order to create a hierarchy of jobs that we can base a fair grading and pay structure on.
Pay and grading structures will be reviewed following the completion of the job evaluation project.
Please note the Trust’s pay policy, which details the Trust’s approach to salary safeguarding and protection. Where a post is downgraded or an employee is redeployed to a post attracting a lower grade the Trust will provide basic salary protection for 3 years. You can read the policy in full here.
Every employee will receive a job overview detailing the demands required to do their job.
Jobs are then placed in a rank order according to the overall demands placed on the job holders as determined by the evaluation process. This provides a basis for a fair and orderly grading structure.
All staff will receive an updated job description and role profile
As part of the job family implementation, some job titles may change to simplify them and make them consistent across the Trust
Every employee will have the right to appeal their outcome from job evaluation. We will tell you more about this process once the details have been agreed with the Trade Unions and before job outcomes are published.
Please contact the Thinking Personnel team by e-mailing