It is important we feel confident, and comfortable, discussing our mental health and are aware of the right channels to reach out for support when needed.
Staying Connected:
Staying at home, especially if you live on your own, can feel lonely. Try to find creative ways to keep in touch with co-workers, friends, family, and others to help you (and them) feel more connected and supported.
Limit social media and news:
You may find yourself checking news websites or social media more than usual, so it’s a good idea to monitor your usage and consider adjusting the time you’re spending on them if you’re finding it’s having a negative impact on your stress and anxiety levels. You need to keep informed but make sure you’re getting your information from reputable sources that provide a balanced view.
Relaxing and focusing on the present can help improve your mental health and lighten negative feelings. Mindfulness means paying attention, purposefully and non-judgmentally, to your experience in the present moment. It can involve a formal practice – e.g sitting or lying down and focussing on your breath and body, or ‘informal practice’ which involves bringing mindfulness to everyday activities. Once a regular mindfulness practice has been established, it can offer a way back to steadiness that can be really helpful – especially during difficult times.
Remember to make time every day to reflect on what went well. It’s important to recognise your successes and the things you are grateful for. You may want to end each day by writing three positive things down. This can help to improve your wellbeing.
Evidence suggests that even just a small improvement in wellbeing can help to decrease some mental health problems and have a positive impact on how you feel. Why not spend some time practising the six ways to wellbeing to help you feel happier, more positive and able to get the most from life.
Information on how to cope with all aspects of isolation and links to help you improve and maintain your mental wellbeing during difficult times of uncertainty:
Resources to help you take care of your mental health, wellbeing and cope with stress. Guidance about talking to your child about coronavirus and information to help answer any questions they may have can be found below:
Dealing with Uncertainty – The Hive of Wellbeing